We're now meeting in person, and hybrid on Zoom...
Each week we get together to have 45 minutes of Shamatha sitting meditation in 3 - 15 minute sessions, with a short video instruction with masters in the Tibetan tradition.There are no prerequisites, and we can provide an introduction to meditation on request.
These events are offered as a public service, and there is no charge - but we accept donations. We welcome all members of the community regardless of orientation or faith tradition.
These events are offered as a public service, and there is no charge - but we accept donations. We welcome all members of the community regardless of orientation or faith tradition.
We meet on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 - 8:15pm
Please RSVP to info@rigpaboston.org to confirm schedule.
Please RSVP to info@rigpaboston.org to confirm schedule.
Drop In Meditation Zoom Link
Anytime Loving Kindness Meditation
A recorded Loving Kindness Meditation session that you may access anytime.Guided Loving Kindness Meditation - 25 minutes
We accept donations online to support our work. Rigpa US is a 501(c)(3). Your donations are tax-deductible: